Wednesday, June 16, 2010

1. Who the fuck is Rain and why should I give a shit?

2. I like that commercial for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 where the old guy is just sitting on a couch talking about people "doing it". I put that in quotes because he's supposed to be talking about people playing the video game. Advertisers are smart.

3. Why is it so hot? Why?! WHY?!

4. I registered for fall classes yesterday. I feel so growed up! The best part is that I don't have to go to class until 1pm on Mondays. Yay badass foundation class!!

5. On a similar note to #4, I'm going to Kansas City Art Institute. Now, I'm originally from Lawrence, KS, and we moved here to Cleveland when I was 8. I don't know how I feel about "going back home". I know that Kansas City is a cool place, and my painting teacher went there and was so happy that I was going because she is "Like, literally in love with that school! Are you excited?!" (My painting teacher is an amazing woman whose catchphrases include "Do you love it?!" and "Are you excited?!" She's cool as what.) I plan on doing their study abroad and maybe their semester in Brooklyn (to make up for the fact that Pratt didn't give me enough money). I'm excited to travel and be grown up without actually being grown up.

6. I was talking to my dad the other day and my sister walked in, not unusual, and I said something like "I can't wait to move to London when I'm done with college" and she said something like "yeah right". EXCUSE ME, little miss 'I Failed Gym Class', but I can do whatever I want with my life and if I want to get the hell out of this country and see the world, you can suck it! She then tried to remedy the situation by bringing up the cost of a plane ticket. Really? A one time plane ticket = no big deal.

7. I've recently listened to Lily Allen. No, I didn't listen to her when she first got big. It wasn't because I didn't like her, it was because it was in the middle of my 'trying to be cool' phase of life. She's really good! I like her a lot.

8. My friend is going to Lollapalooza without me. Hello?! We've only been friends since I was in 4th grade and you were in 6th! And I'm now a freshman in college! I can go! Grr. I'm not really angry at her because she works so hard for everything and she totally deserves it, but Lady Fucking Gaga is playing! Lady Gaga! She better take lots of pictures.

9. I want a Starbucks in my house. With a full-time employee. One that will make me extra-coffee caramel frapuccino's and pumpkin spice lattes whenever I want no matter what time or season it is. That would be sweet. Literally.

10. I've been sucked in by fishville. I have this little pink fish that I named Ultra and a little gold fish that I named Vince Noir (Boosh characters!) They're so cute! And oh so dependent on me. And yet they're virtual, so I don't actually have to clean a tank or smell fish and fish food. Plus, who wants real fish? They're boring and not cute. The little cartoon fish are cute.

11. I'm glad to be done with High School. I'm glad to be 18. Just knowing that I can legally do (almost) anything is somewhat comforting. Even though I'm still quite dependent on my parents. And I'm terrified for them to ever find out that I've been smoking. And I'm sure that I'll be calling them quite a bit next year asking them basic life stuff. But still. I can do (almost) anything! And that's nice.

12. I don't get why the drinking age is 21. At 16 I can drive and get a job. At 18 I can live on my own, provide for myself, take out loans, vote, join the army, buy cigarettes, etc, etc, but I can't have a beer? That's fucked up. Sure, if they changed it there would be an immediate increase in young people drinking. But after it normalized I think there would be less occurrences of underage drinking getting people into trouble. There will always be underage drinking, no matter what. But I think the fact that we have to wait so long to drink is what draws some people to it in the first place.

13. Tosh.0 is the best show ever. Daniel Tosh is so funny! The clips themselves are funny to start with, and he manages to make them even funnier! My favorite clip I think I've ever seen is the guy who was all up in this chick's face and some guy pulls his pants down. Best. In fact..

...there you go!

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