Friday, July 2, 2010

4th of July

The ever-popular fourth is only a few days away, and as I am American I guess I need to say something. This is the first year I've actually had plans on July 4th, so I suppose it will be more exciting than it was in the past. We're going to the beach, which isn't so fun as I don't have a bathing suit (and don't plan on buying one that I'll only wear once) and hate natural bodies of water and any prolonged sun exposure. All in all that won't be so fun. Then afterwards we're seeing fireworks, which should be substantially more fun. However, the 4th of July kind of sucks. Everyone usually has barbecues and sparklers and all that jazz, but the fireworks last late into the night so you can't sleep. And there's always some asshole who "misplaces" some fireworks and doesn't find them until the next night and just has to set them off, once again, interrupting sleep. It's ridiculous. And all the horrible flag t-shirts. Ick. All from Old Navy, I might add. Anyways, now I've got to find something to wear to the beach. Which will be an oddly difficult task.

I'm currently celebrating by watching the most American movie I can, The Hangover. Vegas is so American. And so is Bradley Cooper. Yum.

*Picture from the movie Dick. (It's a hysterical comedy about the Nixon administration and the Watergate scandal with Will Ferrell actually doing a good job. So funny.)

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