Thursday, February 5, 2009

What a week.

This has been the strangest week I've had in a long while. It's been one of those weeks where one second I'm feeling really great and happy and everything, but I can switch to being really pissed off or frustrated at the drop of a hat. I've also just been feeling straight up weird this week. Maybe it's from the William Burroughs overload. Have you ever tried to read "Naked Lunch"? And understand it? And then write a paper on it? Yeah. It's pretty fucking hard. When I read it I start to get this odd physical sensation. Like there's something in my throat and I can't get rid of it and I don't know what it is. I also tend to get a little light-headed. Maybe all the drug talk is causing me to get a contact-high.
I rediscovered my love for William Blake today. In english we were reading our stupid book and they mentioned William Blake (it's the honors class, you really think the textbook for the regular kids would have anything about Blake in it?) and they had "The Tiger" and "The Sick Rose" in it. Because I mentioned my love for him we read both. It's funny, he's the only poet I enjoy. Other than his work I hate poetry. A lot. But there's just something about William Blake.
This lady came into work and put off this whole story about how she called in a carryout, and she came all the way from Euclid, and she just wants her food blah blah blah. Since I was working carryout, I of course had to be involved. I told her that no one remembered taking her order, and she whipped out her phone to prove that she called. She was all "See? I called for 11 minutes!" Well, she did call. But her call log said that she was only on the line for 11 seconds. Well, the manager took care of it and she got her meal for free. Then I told the manager about the 11 seconds thing. *Look of realization on his part* Yup, I knew it. She just wanted some free food! I remember the phone ringing, the hostess answering, and then telling me that the person hung up on her. I bet that the call lasted 11 seconds. Pwned. Next time she comes in I hope somebody calls her out.
I hate anti-social people. This guy I've been in love with since Area Thespian Conference last year is the epitome of anti-social. I see him at practically every theatre related thing I go to, and I know people who know him, and this past weekend I saw him at this year's conference, but I still haven't met him! I was totally going to go up to him after his show and tell him how amazing he was (he's a fucking amazing actor) and we could chat and stuff. But then it was closing ceremony. And then he dissappeared. So upset. I mean, we're friends on facebook, and I know he recognizes me from around because every time I see him he looks at me and I can just tell that he recognizes me. I just know, you know? I really want to meet him!! He's really attractive, and talented and all that. And he's a hippie-punk. In the good way where they dress more punk but have a lot of hippie ideals as well. That's fucking perfect. Nothing better than that specific kind of hippie punk. Not at all.


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