Monday, July 19, 2010

On the Jessi Slaughter Situation:

Okay, this has been a big deal for the past week. I would like to start by saying that I thank her father for those wonderful memes. That seems to be the only good part of this situation.

I watched the video she posted about her "haters". First of all, we were all taken aback by an 11 year old girl with such foul language, but let's face it, we were all potty-mouths when we were 11. We also all thought we were the shit because we were older than our single digit counterparts in our respective elementary schools. Granted, I was certainly not using such extensive profanity (hell and damn were big ones for me) and I certainly told anyone to "get AIDS and die".
And it is funny that she likes Blood on the Dance Floor (really, there are so many great bands out there to like, why would you pick a shitty one?). And it's funny that she thinks she's so special. And it's funny that she thinks she's perfect. No one is perfect. Trust me, everyone is damaged in some way. And her dad is funny. And it's okay to comment on people's videos saying how funny or stupid that video was, however, it is never okay, even without considering someone's age, to tell someone to kill themselves. It is never okay to post someone's address, phone number, and school (among other things) on the internet for all to see. It is never okay to impersonate a cop (especially because it's fucking illegal, I hope you get arrested) or make death threats. And it is especially not okay to do this to someone who is 11. She probably didn't think there would be any consequences for her videos, let's face it, we all think we're invincible. And yes, part of the blame lies with her parents. No matter how much attention they gave her she would still be swearing and trying to act sexy, but they should have been monitoring what she does on the internet. All parents should monitor what their children are doing on the internet. And all parents should discourage their children from swearing and dressing provocatively. But they didn't, and I'm sure they will from now on.

And to anyone out there who has taken part in ripping apart an 11 year old girl, including you, you misogynistic pieces of shit over at encyclopedia dramatica:

*Side note to Jessi, if she ever reads this (which she probably never will): Wait until High School to get anything pierced other than your ears. Trust me. I wanted a piercing when I was your age, and it was much better to wait until High School. I speak out of personal experience.

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