The Cleveland Shop! Insane vintage clothing store, granted the store is very small and most of the stuff they have on display is rental, but they offer a huge amount of jewelry! I bought my homecoming dress her (refinished 60s cocktail dress!). It's on the west side, right by Chelseas(though Chelseas has much more than the Cleveland Shop, it's near impossible to find anything and when you do it's all ripped up!) Also, right by Bent Crayon (record store).
The Beachland Ballroom is down on Waterloo, and is one of the best venues in Cleveland (along with The Grog Shop and Now That's Class). A wide array of artists play the Beachland Ballroom, all indie and local bands play here. Also, they have a record store downstairs. In the same stretch of Waterloo are a few art galleries and two other record stores- Music Saves and The Blue Arrow- I prefer The Blue Arrow (owned and operated by one of my friend's uncles!)
And finally...RECORD DEN!! Located in Mentor, a northeastern suburb of Cleveland, Record Den is my all time favorite record store in Cleveland. They're store is full to the gills of cd's, records (new releases as well as boxes and boxes of older ones, at many prices), 45's, cassette tapes, videos, box sets, t-shirts, stickers and patches, incense, you name it!! My most recent purchase from there is the Electric Prunes album on vinyl. If you live in Cleveland and haven't been here, you're missing out big time!
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